Well...Here We are


Mic check...how’s everyone doing? Has social distancing elevated your bond with your pet? Are you already over the plethora of Tiger King memes? Whatever the situation, I hope you’re doing well, or, simply surviving the best that you can.

I wanted to post a note here as I know times are tough and the future looks scary. Truthfully, it’s a scary time to start your own business, which is essentially what I did.

I’ve worked 10+ years in marketing, both at in-house departments as well as agencies, and this newest chapter—striking out on my own—has been particularly meaningful though poorly timed. Pulling from learnings and mentorship from family and friends (shout out to my first OG ad agency Juice Communications— who may or may not have professionally shaped who I am, #sorrynotsorry), I excitedly launched Indie Creative Co. last month with the goal of providing communications support to passionate small businesses and indie brands.

Then I watched in horror as COVID-19 wreaked havoc on the economy—business closures and job losses rising on the daily. Breweries, bars and restaurants shifted to fight-or-flight mode, hoping to survive the tidal wave.

I reached out to my local beer community, as many of these small businesses have been severely impacted by the pandemic and offered support, and if needed, on a pro bono basis. I can’t say enough good things about the beer community and what a life-changing and life-giving opportunity this industry has provided me. So while I can’t provide the financial means to help, I can help spread the word.

In the meantime, here I sit at home with my dog Lucy snoozing by my feet. I can hear my husband David on his conference call in the next room, his jovial laugh filling the air. 

We’ll get through this immense sh*t storm.

I have friends laid off or furloughed. I have family that is at-risk and at the time of writing this post, I’m sending positive thoughts to my grandfather who is currently in ICU.

We’ll get through this because there is no other option. And I stand with you, the person reading this who no doubt has the weight of the world on your shoulders. 

Let me know how I can support. Sidenote: I hear puppy videos are quite cathartic. Happy to send you a daily dose, if needed.

Speaking of videos, some of you may know that David loves dancing. In an effort to make you smile today, I’m enclosing a video of him dancing because we could all use a little more levity in our daily lives right now. Hang in there friends. We got this. 

With love,



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